
Tag Archives: linux

How to Connect to a VPS on Windows 10 (Windows/Linux VPS)

Wondering how to connect to a Windows VPS or Linux VPS on your Windows 10 PC? Follow the simple guide below to get started. How to Connect to a Windows VPS Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) Navigate to the Start menu and search for “remote desktop.” You should find it on your PC. Enter the […]

Posted in Featured Guides, Guides & How To's, Linux VPS, Tech Support, VPS Hosting, Windows VPS | Also tagged , , , , | 1 Response

Dedicated Servers are Now Available in New York and London

We are pleased to announce, with much anticipation, the new availability of dedicated server hosting in our New York, USA and London, UK data centers. Dedicated servers provide the highest level of performance and security for hosted applications. When absolute security and predictability are required, which not even a VPS can provide, a dedicated server is the ideal […]

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How to Install Cloud Backup on a Linux VPS or Server

Use the steps below to install the Cloud Backup agent on a Linux VPS or dedicated server. Follow the directions for CentOS/RHEL, or Debian/Ubuntu, depending on your operating system, then proceed to the Final Steps section below. CentOS / Enterprise Linux Servers Switch to root user: su root Download the script, give it executable permissions, […]

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cPanel: How to Backup or Dump MySQL Databases via SSH

This article applies to Linux servers and VPS instances running cPanel/WHM. If you need to back up, dump, or restore a database via command line (SSH) on your cPanel server, read on. Restore a MySQL Database To restore an existing .sql backup of a MySQL database, run the following mysql command as root or a user with […]

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Installing Apachetop on a Linux Server or Linux VPS (CentOS)

Apachetop is a command line utility useful for monitoring a web server’s connections and other statistics in real time. Similar to top, apachetop reads the acces_log file in /var/log/httpd and displays the results in real time.  How to Install Apachetop We will install Apachetop on our CentOS system using the third-party EPEL repositories. If you are not already […]

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How to Change the PHP Handler on a Linux Server or VPS with cPanel

This article covers how to change the PHP handler on a Linux VPS or dedicated server running cPanel/WHM. The instructions below require root-level access to the WHM admin panel. The PHP handler is the software that Apache uses to implement PHP. The different choices can have effects on the performance, and security, of your server. For […]

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Reset/Change the MySQL Root Password on a cPanel Server (Linux)

On a Linux server or VPS with cPanel/WHM, there are two ways to reset the root password for MySQL. One method uses the WHM admin web panel, while the other uses the command line (shell). Reset the MySQL root password in WHM On servers with cPanel/WHM, it is recommended to change the MySQL root password […]

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“Failed to Fetch: 404 Not Found” Errors in Ubuntu apt-get

On recent versions of Ubuntu, you may get the following error when trying to run apt-get update or apt-get install:  Failed to fetch 404 Not Found Usually, the reason for this error is changing locations of Ubuntu repositories. According to the versioning policies of Ubuntu, normal releases are supported for 9 months, whereas LTS (Long Term […]

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“Failed to Fetch: 404 Not Found” Errors in Ubuntu apt-get

On recent versions of Ubuntu, you may get the following error when trying to run apt-get update or apt-get install:  Failed to fetch 404 Not Found Usually, the reason for this error is changing locations of Ubuntu repositories. According to the versioning policies of Ubuntu, normal releases are supported for 9 months, whereas LTS (Long Term […]

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How to Configure NAT iptables Module on Linux VPS/Server

On many virtual servers, NAT and other iptables modules may not be loaded by default. This module is critical for using types of network address translation like MASQUERADE. To test whether your Linux VPS or server has the NAT module loaded, run the following command and check for the example output (meaning NAT is not […]

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