
Tag Archives: panels

How to Install cPanel VPS Optimized via SSH (CentOS Linux)

cPanel VPS Optimized is a highly functional Linux server control panel. It is commonly used to host websites, provision reseller and web hosting accounts, and perform hosting-related maintenance.  It’s very easy to install cPanel on a VPS with SSH. You can accomplish it with a few steps: Log in to your Linux VPS via SSH as the root user […]

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How to Install Virtualmin on your VPS, a Free cPanel Alternative

Many are familiar with cPanel as the industry-leading web server management panel. The software is undoubtedly some of the best available, but its premium cost is sometimes not affordable, especially for small or low-maintenance projects. Virtualmin is an advanced web server management panel, and a very good alternative to cPanel, with the same administration structure based […]

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How to Log in to cPanel/WHM VPS

If you chose to install cPanel/WHM on your VPS, you can log in to the WHM control panel interface immediately after VPS setup at: URL: https://x.x.x.x:2087 Username: root Password: [Root password of your VPS.] You should replace “x.x.x.x” in the above example with the primary IP address of your VPS.

Posted in Guides & How To's, Linux VPS, Tech Support, VPS Hosting | Also tagged , , , | Comments closed

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